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Physiotherapy during Covid


Strange times and lots of getting used to a new way of working. I am lucky that as Physiotherapy is deemed a essential service I have been able to remain open during the latest lockdown.

I ask that all clients please wear face coverings and that you do not attend an appointment if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell with signs and symptoms of Covid 19.

There is a sanitiser on the wall in front of you as you enter Sketty Therapies and we are trying to stagger appointment times so that there should only be a maximum of one other person in reception when you arrive. You should not turn up to your appointment before 5 mins of your allocated slot to help with this. Please take a seat outside the room of the therapist you are seeing. The names of the therapist will be on the treatment room doors.

It is preferred you attend your appointment alone unless a carer is needed as this reduces the need for close proximity.

I will be in PPE with apron, gloves and face mask.

You will be asked to sign a consent form that explains the procedures and policies and steps we are taking to keep oursleves and you safe, it will almost enable us to pass on track and trace details.

If you have any worries or concerns please phone before your appointment to clarify the situation.

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